
My name is Naira Sargsyan. I am the founder and president of the inclusive educational and cultural NGO “Side by Side” as well as the founder of the inclusive music and art festival “Side by Side,” which was launched in 2019. The festival is unique in its format, with no similar events across the entire region.

My education and professional experience have come together to create a meaningful path aimed at helping and educating children with developmental differences, while also providing them with professional guidance. With a background in music education, I developed specialized programs, worked in a kindergarten and a rehabilitation center, and collaborated with children with disabilities and their families.

Fully aware of the current challenges, the scale of the issues, and the lack of sufficient rehabilitation programs, I took the initiative to create a cultural inclusive program on my own. After earning a second degree in psychology, I was able to compete confidently with leading specialists in this field.

As a result of this collaboration, many organizations have come to recognize the importance of music therapy and the field as a whole. Simultaneously, I participated in numerous international training sessions and seminars, which underscored the urgent need to systematize and apply the extensive knowledge I had accumulated.

In 2021, the “Side by Side” NGO was established, launching an inclusive extracurricular program for children with developmental differences. Since 2022, in partnership with the Yerevan Children’s and Youth Arts Center, we have been implementing an inclusive after-school education program for children with various developmental needs.

Our journey does not end here. We face many challenges ahead, and we remain committed to developing new programs for the healthy and happy future of those we support.